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Brian Brown is an Old Testament warrior (*who admits to casting stones)

by Jeremy Hooper

More biblical framework from the person leading the fight to stop our *CIVIL* marriages:

Screen Shot 2013-08-28 At 11.24.17 Am "I won't lie to you. We have a lot of work cut out for us, and we'll need as many resources as we can muster to succeed. Sometimes I feel like the Israelites from the Old Testament, when their rag tag army was arrayed against the vast power of the Philistines and their giant warrior, Goliath. Of course we know how that confrontation ended, and we can win a similar victory for marriage if only you will help us fill our pouch with stones."

National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown

I love how we, the scrappy little movement that overcame centuries of oppression are the supposed "Goliath," while NOM, an organization that is completely entrenched with (and some assume subsidized by) the Catholic Church and who is trying to revert us to past oppressions, is said to be on the side of the downtrodden. Of course it's all part of the NOM crowd's uber-aggressive attempt to write a new script in this ongoing fight between discrimination against equality, since the actual script is so darn unkind to the overall NOM cause.

But whatever. Let Brian play this martyr role. While he's busy trying to convince an increasingly clued in America that the folks who want to take away certain citizens' rights are the ones who are encumbered by unfair persecution, the rest of us will keep pushing us past this overwrought "culture war" so that we get on with our lives.

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