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Disliking LGBT people is inborn? Really?

by Jeremy Hooper

The anti-LGBT movement has spent decades, countless dollars, and many squandered hours strategizing ways to fight against us. They've come up with many different campaigns to go after us, but most of all of them relying on the idea that we are unsavory and/or threatening. They've done this, obviously, because they want to define us so that people's natural instinct of acceptance and inclusion will not take hold. They know without their considerable efforts trying to cast us out of decent society, a decent society would easily accept a population that truly exist in such sizable numbers.

Not so, claims anti-LGBT activist Brian Camenker. According to him, we are the ones who must "force" people to see us in a certain way:

Screen Shot 2013-08-07 At 11.37.48 Am "Every generation has to be forced to believe homosexuality is normal"..."When they stop doing the propaganda, people will stop believing it. That's why the gay movement is so focused on the public schools. And that's why we're focused on getting it out."

—Brian Camenker, longtime Massachusetts activist who has been on a nonstop losing streak since 2003, speaking to Baptist Press

Oh please. A low-information infant, regardless of background, race, geography, creed, economic status, or any other factor, is always on the side of acceptance. You will never see non-indoctrinated three-year-olds turn their heads in revulsion when they witness a same-sex couple's kiss. They have to be carefully taught to shun all the people their relatives shunned.

The only reason why there is an LGBT rights fight is because there is an anti-LGBT rights fight. Period. Full stop.

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