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FRC launches clothing line; inequality is the new black?

by Jeremy Hooper

Like discrimination? Love fashion? Need the right thing to wear when you want to say gays are being guided by Satan, tell radio hosts it's a "fact" that gays are going to suffer eternal damnation, or suggest we bring back criminal sanctions against homosexuality?

Well you're in luck, discriminating consumer. Just in time for back to school fashions (and early "war on Christmas" shopping), the Family Research Council is offering up some shirts and hats that allow you to literally wear your support for this viciously anti-LGBT organization right on your sleeve:

[FRC Store]

The hat says it is "one size fits all." Too bad FRC can't see our Earth is just as accommodating.

No word if this vicious opponent of LGBT rights plans any footwear. But if they do, I have a suggestion: "Ugh" boots! uoe

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