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FRC prays God has bought into far-right's strategic 'victim' meme

by Jeremy Hooper

From the Family Research Council's weekly "prayer targets":

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God is all like, "Huh? Aren't Christians a large majority in America? Don't you in the America part of Earth still operate in a political reality where candidates pretty much have to identify as Christian to win election? Don't a lot of LGBT people and LGBT supporters identify as Christians? And aren't all of those cited incidents that you conservatives use to claim you're the victim actually isolated examples (often from states that don't even have same-sex marriage) where you all simply want to flout nondiscrimination laws—the very same laws that protect Christians? In fact, isn't this whole "religious freedom" meme you all are using something that your allied groups (the Becket Fund chief among them) have created in order to flip the script in the LGBT rights debate?"

Or something like that.

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