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Gays starting to move to states that respect our rights, families; obviously

by Jeremy Hooper

This is going to be a popular story between now and the time that America has full marriage equality in all fifty states:

Hans Bernhard and Mitch Null say they may leave North Carolina -- taking their daughter, their jobs as a veterinarian and an information technology business operations manager at Cisco Systems Inc. and the tax revenue from their properties.

Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn a key part of the Defense of Marriage Act, the couple is considering moving to Maryland, where they could have a recognized marriage and guaranteed access to the related federal benefits. Bernhard could also become a lawful father to the couple’s 1-year-old daughter, Eva, since North Carolina law prevents residents from adopting a child if they aren’t married to the legal parent.

KEEP READING: Gay Marriage Shows States Luring Discriminated Couples [Bloomberg]

At this point in our lives, my husband and I would never consider moving to a marriage inequality state. Even more so now, here at a time when our lives are gearing up to take a very exciting turn (more on that soon enough).

Fortunately I love NYC almost as much as life itself, and NYC loves the marriage equality that has brought nothing but joy to the city. But residents of far too many states have yet to know that joy. These inequality states shouldn't be surprised if they see more and more of these locals moving on to states where they can get a better view of history's right side.

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