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Happy Friday! Here's the AFA's top surrogate calling for my criminalization

by Jeremy Hooper

In a column where he both suggests "that we take whatever public policies we have adopted with regard to IV drug abuse and use those same policies with regard to homosexual behavior" and that we use policies governing adult film workers to govern the everyday gay population, the American Family Association's most visible (and viciously vocal) spokesperson, Bryan Fischer, restates his support for the criminalization of gay sex:

Screen Shot 2013-08-09 At 10.29.57 Am As they say, the law is a teacher, and it’s wise to keep an anti-sodomy law on the books, even if unenforceable due to judicial tyranny, to express the state’s official disapproval of that kind of conduct. The fact that it is against the law provides an additional reason not to give it special legal protections in discrimination law. It’s schizophrenic to give special legal protections to behavior in one part of your code that is illegal according to another.

As Antonin Scalia correctly pointed out in his dissent on Lawrence v. Texas, sodomy was always contrary to public policy everywhere in the United States, going back to the very beginning. It was a felony offense in every state of the union until 1962, and still a felony offense in the other 49 states until 1972, when the sexual revolution started causing the moral pillars to crumble. Sodomy is immoral, unnatural and unhealthy and should remain contrary to public policy.

Extreme and downright scary. But hey, it's not like this prominent GOP senators still rush to speak to this guy or anything.

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Oh wait.

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