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Hey, NOM's latest 'victim': Why did you compare our President to guy with ring in his nose?

by Jeremy Hooper

Dick Odgaard is the latest person who NOM is trying to turn into a hero because of his desire to not serve gay couples at the wedding venue that he and his wife run. He is also been a participant in a Facebook group called "the first word that comes to mind," where users are told to respond to a photo with the premiere terms that they think of upon seeing the graphic.

On April 30, the image put to the aforementioned group was of a young man with a ring through his nose, à la a bull. This was Mr. Odgaard's first word (right hand column):

Screen Shot 2013-08-12 At 4.46.28 Pm
[Cached Facebook page]

Only Mr. Odgaard knows what was in his heart when he said this about the President of the United States, a man who is verifiably lacking in septum rings. However, I do know that someone got cold feet, as Mr. Odgaard's comment has been scrubbed in the days since his story about discriminating against a gay couple went public (the above is from a cached page)

I've reached out to the Odgaard's for definitive answer.

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