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If you lie about the majority of people long enough...
…it's still a damn lie.
Here's the National Organization for Marriage's Chris Plate repeating the claim that the vast majority of Americans are with him:
“And that majority of Americans – despite what we see in polls by liberal-leaning CNN or Pew – the vast majority of Americans believe marriage to be between one man and one woman,” says Plante. “We know the common sense behind uniting man and woman together to bring the next generation into fruition.” [ONN]
No poll shows a "vast majority" supporting the NOM agenda. Not even the skewed poll results that NOM puts out shows a "vast majority" on their side. All polling shows at least a near-even split, and most polling shows a clear majority (with even clearer trend lines) in support of marriage equality.
You can say it, Chris. I can call myself a cantaloupe, too. But I still won't be a round, delicious, sensible snack option—and you still won't be bearing true witness.