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Increasingly off-message NOM goes after inclusive military
People like me used to have to really pay attention to find those instances when the National Organization For Marriage drifted from its stated cause and instead delved into general opposition to LGBT rights. These days, it's really darn easy.
NOM's latest cause? Claiming that the military's inclusive service, something the American public widely supports, is supposedly threatening conservative Christians who want to oppose gay people's basic acceptance:
NOM's link points to a report from Shannon Bream, one of the Fox News anchors who is most willing of anti-LGBT advocate (Bream is a graduate of the aggressive anti-gay Liberty University). The report is pure propaganda, featuring one of those far-right driven stories where a certain person plays a victim by using limited and deliberately spun information, and opportunistic conservative legal groups (/media outlets) try to explode that isolated incident into some sort of trend. The overall message is that gay soldiers are now discriminating against people who want to tell them they are immoral, as if (a) that is even happening at all and (b) the two are equally merited positions to take. It's now "news"—it's a ruse designed to rile up dissension.
NOM is getting in bed with this kind of thing because NOM is really reeling to find itself in a landscape that has delivered so many crushing losses to the org. They are trending further to the world of general anti-LGBT animus because, well—what choice have they?