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Josh Duggar says lesbian aunt 'chooses' her 'lifestyle' but doesn't want 'special rights'

by Jeremy Hooper

Filling in for his boss Tony Perkins on a radio program that was about 95% dedicated to opposing LGBT rights, FRC Action Executive Director Josh Duggar today talked (after a caller prompted him to do so) about his lesbian aunt and how he loves her even though she "chooses" to live a lesbian "lifestyle." Oh, but Josh says he has assured his aunt has assured him that she doesn't want to get married (which Josh calls "special rights"), so all is well. Listen in:

[SOURCE: Washington Watch w/ Tony Perkins; 8/15/13]


*For a taste of how the rest of the program played out, check out this clip. The first voice is Josh's cohost, Ryan Bomberger, connecting Sandusky to gays before Josh questions gay people's in-born sexual orientations and California's transgender protections law:

[SOURCE: Washington Watch w/ Tony Perkins; 8/15/13]

Working for FRC is the reason why Josh moved his family to D.C. If TLC does not show this truth on the show, they can drop the word "reality" from its title.

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