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NOM mad you didn't hear about this poll; so here, let's talk about it
In truth, the Fox News poll asked the question in several different ways, and got several different responses. All of the responses show great momentum from the time Fox News first started asking the question; on the question of constitutionality, a healthy majority think gays have a constitutional right to marry:
But as you surely know, it's a difficult time for the National Organization For Marriage, particularly when it comes to something like polling. So what do they do? Well, they just flat-out misrepresent the above results, of course:
And today news of a recent Fox News poll has come to light that is even better. Fox asked the question, Would you approve or disapprove of changing the definition of the word marriage to also include same-sex couples?
56% said they would disapprove, while only 39% would approve!
First off, even the figure NOM cites has changed considerably in the past decade. And even on this current question, the under 35 crowd answered in the affirmative (54%). Momentum is NOM's biggest adversary, and it's clearly on our side, even in this oddly worded question in a conservative news outlet's poll.
But beyond that—how friggin' nervy of NOM to accuse the media of ignoring this poll (from a media outlet, oddly enough) while at the same time overlooking the full data set! I mean, this very poll (taken before the SCOTUS rulings, I should note) shows a majority saying yes, gay people do in fact have a constitutional right to marry. I of course understand why NOM would want to ignore that point, as well as the demographic breakdowns and trajectory lines. But to ignore the data while also attacking the way people have reported this poll? That's egregious!
That's NOM.