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NOM vows to waste money removing MN, RI legislators; will change nothing even if successful
Washington, D.C. — With marriage having been redefined and same-sex 'marriages' beginning today in Minnesota and Rhode Island, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today reminded state politicians that it will work to hold them accountable to voters come election day. NOM has pledged to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to make sure that voters know who is responsible for redefining marriage.
Virtually no politician in Minnesota or Rhode Island ran on a platform that openly pledged that he or she would redefine marriage if elected to office. Yet, when given the opportunity, they did so. NOM has pledged to spend up to $500,000 in Minnesota and $100,000 in Rhode Island informing voters about the issues.
FULL: National Organization for Marriage Renews Pledge to Hold Politicians Accountable for Redefining Marriage in Minnesota and Rhode Island [NOM]
No state is going to repeal its in-place marriage equality law. That will never happen in this post–Prop 8 world of ours. There might be a few more referenda on nasty marriage amendments or even a proactive vote on marriage equality, but there will not be a vote to take away rights. That ship has more than sailed. The fallout from such a vote would reverberate across the fruited plain; we would see to it that it did!
So okay, this D.C. special interest group is going to waste its supporters' money meddling in the elections of states to which they have no real connection. Maybe they will oust a few of their targets (though their track record is awful). Fine. Whatever. IT WILL CHANGE NOTING in terms of NOM's stated cause! Marriage equality is not going to go away. That is a promise.