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Prop 8 proponents, having already ignored constitutional validity, now determined to ignore millions of Californians

by Jeremy Hooper

I am so tired of the far right running headlines like this one:

Screen Shot 2013-08-16 At 10.10.40 Am

[SOURCE: The American Family Association's One News Now]

7 millions votes? No. No, no, no, no, no!

13,402,566 valid votes were cast on Prop 8: 7,001,084 who chose to support the always-was-and-now-proven-to-be-unconstituional ban and 6,401,482 who knew better from the beginning. That's only a 599,602 vote separation—a tiny number for a state with a population of over 38 million!!

Yes, five years ago, more people showed up to vote for discrimination than chose to show up to defend equality. But the far-right needs to stop pretending like the almost as large coalition that showed up on history's right side (a coalition that has surely grown considerably in five years) didn't and doesn't exist. These millions of voters do exist—and they were right all along!

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