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Racism, anti-Semitism, and— LGBT acceptance?!

by Jeremy Hooper

Slurring my Jewish husband is the equivalent of supporting his sexuality. So go the musings of conservative stalwart Pat Buchanan:

Screen Shot 2013-08-13 At 11.12.00 Am "Thus, if we seek to build a Good Society by traditional Catholic and Christian standards, why should not homosexual propaganda be treated the same as racist or anti-Semitic propaganda"

—Patrick J. Buchanan
FULL REPORT: Pat Buchanan Defends Putin on Anti-Gay Law, Pussy Riot Prosecution [Right Wing Watch]

He's still got it, that one!

Though personally, I can't wait for Pat's rumored children's book, Who Says The Schoolyard Bully Is Worse Than The Sweet Little Kid Who Was Just Robbed Of His Lunch Money? It's said to be the feel good (about your discrimination) read of the year!

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