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Video: Just your average father of a U.S. Senator saying my marriage is an affront to God

by Jeremy Hooper

At this weekend's Family Leadership Summit, an event sponsored by an organization whose head believes homosexuality is a public health risk, Rafael Cruz, the father of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz ( R), told the crowd that marriages like mine are all about destroying the concept of God and family. Here's the cued-up clip, courtesy of Caffeinated Thoughts:

Or alternately, Mr. Cruz, civil marriage equality is about government recognition that is wholly independent of the American public's varied personal interpretations of God. Some people see God as a social conservative who'd proudly stand on the corner of a sidewalk holding an anti-gay protest sign, while others see the big man upstairs as much more inclusive. The thing is, neither vision is God is supposed to be governing the civil marriage laws of this supposedly church/state-separated nation. Not for straight couples and not for gay couples.

Look, if Mr. Cruz wants to go around telling people that my marriage is an affront to God, then more power to him and his judgmental desires. His demonizing rhetoric will only further harm the GOP, and it will help those of us on the right side of this civil rights battle obtain our inevitable equality even faster than we might've otherwise. I'm not going to waste even half a breath saying, "No! Please! Stop! Don't call my loving, decade-long, forever-destined, monogamous commitment to one man an affront to God." I don't care if he believes this; I won't stand in the way if the waning conservative movement wants to keep connecting its pragmatism-bleeding cause to such beliefs.

But by God, he will not—HE. WILL. NOT.—inscribe these beliefs into public policy.

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