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'We will never stop mocking trans kids' vows once-pragmatic-but-now-decidedly-fringe NOM

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage and, in particular, its political director, Frank Schubert, have spent the better part of this week knocking California for passing a law that safeguards the basic protections and full participation of transgender students. But the discriminatory organization hasn't limited its opposition to the law itself, instead denying that gender identity is even a thing! They are just taking it upon themselves to determine that these children are lying and that their parents are negligent.

Here's the latest little jab, NOM branding intact:

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Science disagrees with you, NOM. Period. End of discussion.! You, a K Street special interest group with a sole focus on denying civil rights to certain kinds of people, don't get to trump the learned opinions of professional organizations simply because you think your agenda (or your fundraising, more likely) might benefit from the attack!

What callous disregard! And to then couple this aggressively ignorant disregard with constant claims that you are "victims" in this whole LGBT rights conversation? It's gross. It's just—gross.

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