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'Ex-gay' confuses proudly rejected books with 'banned' books

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2013-09-24 At 8.55.33 AmEvery year, the American Library Association selects worthy books that have been unfairly banned and highlights the tomes as part of its "Banned Books Week." Increasingly prominent "ex-gay" activist Christopher Doyle says he knows some quality books that continue to get overlooked:

“There are homosexuals and the gay activists in [the American Library Association] that are actively anti-ex-gay and keeping us out of this list,” Doyle tells OneNewsNow.
Will Library Association include ex-gay titles for Banned Books Week? [ONN]

The problem, of course, is that Doyle wants these books to be shelved as nonfiction. I mean, if he were trying to highlight some masterful works of fiction about forms of therapy that could supposedly "cure" certain kinds of humans of their sexual orientations, that might be a compelling tale of fantasy. Sounds like a really strong subject for a sci-fi writer's dystopian exploration.

But what Doyle wants is for the American Library Association to recognize the nonfiction version of this scientifically unsupported story, and then take it a step further and claim that people who reject the "scholarly merits" of these kind of books are acting as unfair censors. He wants the ALA and those pesky gay activists sound like bullies who are silencing strong works, in hopes that his agenda-driven claims will somehow strengthen the worth of both these works of "ex-gay" nonfiction and his movement's "we're the victims!" strategy.

It's not working on anyone. A resoundingly rejected book is not a "banned" book.

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