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Former AFA staffer: Bryan Fischer speaks 'like a drunk uncle at a wedding'

by Jeremy Hooper

Change is possible:

201309111627 "Look at the lunacy pouring out of the Christian right. Don Wildmon claims to defend marriage, but endorses twice divorced, three times married Newt Gingrich for president. Mat Staver and Matt Barber of the Liberty Counsel are out there invoking Jerry Sandusky to support the medieval notion that you can "pray the gay away."

And, of course, Bryan Fischer is like a drunken uncle at a wedding who must continually be outrageous in hopes that someone will pay attention.

Why is this happening? Because the Christian right doubled down on gay discrimination and lost.

—Joe Murray, former staff attorney for the American Family Association, speaking to the NALT Christians Project


**For insight into how far Murray has come, check out how he used to talk about us: The Summer of Sodomy [AFA's Agape Press (now called One News Now)

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