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Fred Karger finds evidence of LDS involvement in Hawaii marriage debate
According to dogged activist Fred Karger, who just yesterday raised the question of whether or not the Mormon church is planning on engaging in the marriage equality fight in Hawaii, this call is making its way around the Aloha State's LDS circles:
SOURCE: Fred Karger's Twitter]
*MORE Background: Will the Mormon Church Sit Out Hawaii's Gay Marriage Vote? [Huff Po]
Of course they make it sound like a conscience issue, with churchgoers free to make their own determinations. But (1) this is a legislative matter involving civil marriage, not a church issue; (2) we all know that the religious protections they are telling churchgoers to seek are often used to derail marriage equality bills. So let's be clear about what this is: yet another LDS overreach on our civil rights.
More will surely develop in the days to come. But in the meantime—nice work, Fred!