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Scott Lively to run for MA governor (*if his claim that gays will bring the EndTimes isn't fulfilled first)

This is not a joke. I mean, the very idea of his candidacy is a joke, but the announcement is legit: September 30, 2013 PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Contact Scott Lively 413-250-0984 [email protected] Lively to Run For Massachusetts Governor...

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What the pro-discrimination set has slated for Values Voter Summit

With one of America's most proudly and exceedingly anti-LGBT conferences only twelve days away, let's take a second and look at some of what the Family Research Council has planned for this year's so-called "Values Voter Summit." Here are three...

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NJ Mayor of The Year hopes to become first mayor of History's Right Side

If the recent ruling in favor of marriage equality holds solid, New Jersey's Mayor Of The Year, David DelVecchio (D), has vowed to perform the state's first same-sex marriage: NEW JERSEY: Small Town Mayor Vows To Perform State's First Same-Sex...

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National Organization For [stocking scientifically-discredited propaganda on nonfiction shelves]

The National Organization For Marriage's Ruth Institute continues the recent trend of admitting that the supposedly marriage-focused organization is really just another arm of the larger anti-LGBT agenda. In a new blog post, with NOM branding squarely intact, the Ruth...

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Winning team sticks to winning cause: Olson/Boies to fight VA marriage ban

With eyes clearly on the Supreme Court, Prop 8's winning odd couple has announced plans to continue the fight for full marriage equality: WASHINGTON — Ted Olson and David Boies aren’t done fighting in court for marriage equality. On Monday...

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IFI hopes you spend late Oct. day scaring neighbors w/ tricks in hopes of seizing stomach-churning treats

Just in time for Halloween comes this event, which is 100% built around spreading fear about same-sex couples and our families: **REMINDER: IFI is one of the most hostile of any of the statewide groups fighting against us. Its leadership...

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GLAAD: The modern anti-LGBT movement: Attacking happy parents, children

The modern anti-LGBT movement: Attacking happy parents, children [GLAAD]

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*UPDATED: And New Jersey [might] make 14 marriage equality states (plus D.C.)!

Even during a new parent hiatus, some things are too important to ignore: Judge legalizes same-sex marriage in New Jersey [Star-Ledger] The Garden State is a bit of an adopted home for me, being the state where my husband grew...

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And just like that, I'm a daddy

Savannah Rose Hooper-Shulman came into the world on 9/25/13 at 7:40PM CT. Baby is gorgeous and healthy; daddies are ecstatic! My husband and I are going to take a few days to enjoy this amazing new life. Regular updates will...

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Catholic college cancels on Corvino; gives his pro-equality views infinitely more light, weight, power

I've been meaning to get to this for the past couple of days, but I'm quite distracted right now (more on that soon). Anyway, my friend and fellow advocate John Corvino is all over the news because of Providence College,...

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Poll: Nearly 2/3 of Indianans know history's wrong side would make for terrible tourist attraction

Encouraging polling out of Indiana: INDIANAPOLIS — A new poll released today by Freedom Indiana reveals that almost two-thirds of Hoosiers believe amending the Indiana Constitution is the wrong way to address the issue of same-sex marriage. POLL: Hoosiers believe...

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GLAAD: Harry Jackson now a bona fide 'ex-gay' activist

Harry Jackson now a bona fide 'ex-gay' activist [GLAAD]

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American Family Association creates fake AP story

The following hit piece, which features the anti-LGBT stylings of Peter LaBarbera (before changing his name to "Barber" midway through), is not an Associated Press wire story. But the American Family Association's One News Now site is pretending it is:...

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'Ex-gay' confuses proudly rejected books with 'banned' books

Every year, the American Library Association selects worthy books that have been unfairly banned and highlights the tomes as part of its "Banned Books Week." Increasingly prominent "ex-gay" activist Christopher Doyle says he knows some quality books that continue to...

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Video: Anti-gay Youtuber vs. lesbians who bank

The United Kingdom's NatWest Bank has created a benign ad featuring twin sisters whom are identical not only in looks but also in their ability to form a committed relationship with both a partner and a bank. But according to...

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NOM fittingly defends childish games of make-believe

Joe.My.God tips me to this, NOM's latest attempt at a photo meme: Stay tuned for NOM's jobs plan, which protects a world where every little boy grows up to be a firefighter and every little girl fulfills her dream of...

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Audio: Scott Lively, on trial for crimes against humanity, frames gays as End Times precedent

If I were facing trial over my truly chilling work against LGBT people, I probably wouldn't position gays as the catalyst for the end of the world. But I'm not Scott Lively: [Janet Mefferd Show, 9/20] In terms of making...

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NRA's latest way to show America it doesn't get it: Equating their cherished dangerous weapons with 'gayness'

In a video denouncing the java giant for its stance against customers bringing guns into stores, NRA News commentator Colton Noir makes this jaw-droppingly offensive comparison: NOIR: "In the wake of Starbucks coming out of the proverbial anti-gun closet -...

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National Organization for [Banning Divorce]

If the first two lines form a position that they think can and must be inscribed into civil policy, why should we expect this special interest group to stop there? [NOM's Facebook] I mean, personally I would do okay in...

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FRC: Marriage equality harms individuals, 'degrade[s] society'

According to the ever measured Family Research Council, denying civil marriage equality to gays is not an injustice. After all, we need to stop gay people's committed happiness in order to save society itself: Organizations like Freedom to Marry, the...

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NOM Exposed: NOM prez to team with man who claims ‘it’s a fact’ homosexuality leads to ‘eternal damnation’

NOM prez to team with man who claims ‘it’s a fact’ homosexuality leads to ‘eternal damnation’ [NOM EXPOSED]

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GLAAD: CNN holds Bill Donohue accountable

CNN holds Bill Donohue accountable [GLAAD]

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SC: Former contractor for history's wrong side builds better future

Inequality is a choice. Change is possible: Former South Carolina State Senator John Hawkins, who led the charge in South Carolina to amend the constitution to ban same-sex marriage, announced on Wednesday at a speech before the Alliance for Full...

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Voices of majority privilege viciously dehumanize minorities; sound familiar, history?

It's getting really vicious: SOURCE:Right Wing Watch] There are not normal things to say. These are the kinds of dangerous comments that proceed history's ScaryTime Awful Hours. On one hand, I "love" comments like these because they hurt Pete and...

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Are Illinois lawmakers good with calling gays a 'particularly evil lie of Satan'? Because IFI is.

Yesterday morning, the extremely anti-gay Illinois Family Institute (reminder: IFI's lead researcher just said gay marriage are more radical than incestuous marriages), held yet another pastors event. Glenn Stanton addressed the faith-driven crowd on why they should resist marriage equality:...

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On Rep. Labrador's Pro-Discrimination Act of 2013

By now you've surely heard about the new bill that a band of House conservatives have concocted in yet another effort to dismantle the gains that the marriage equality movement has made. They call it the Marriage and Religious Freedom...

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FRC essentially lied in court

At the sentencing of the man behind that awful, despicable, scary, resoundingly denounced incident of gunplay that played out at the Family Research Council's headquarters in the summer of 2012, FRC president Tony Perkins read a statement in front of...

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NOM gay-shames moderate Republican congressional candidate

Carl Demaio is running for California's 52nd congressional seat. He's running as a Republican. He's running as a Republican who also happens to be gay. The National Organization For Marriage, in an action alert apparently sent from 1953, is coming...

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NOM now pushing LaBarbera's verifiable animus

There was a time when the National Organization For Marriage's logo and Peter LaBarbera's unique brand of public engagement never would have met, at least not publicly. But with NOM getting more animus-driven by the day, the "protect marriage" organization...

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Responsible commentators shy away from 'Hillary is a lesbian' rumors; so here's Bryan Fischer doing it instead

With 2016 still years away, the American Family Association's spunkiest li'l firecracker, Bryan Fischer, is already insinuating that First Lady, Senator, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton could—could, could, could—become our first lesbian president: Fischer: Hillary Clinton 'Could Be Our First Lesbian...

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IL Family Institute's Laurie Higgins: Gay marriages are 'far more radical' than incestuous ones

The reliably hostile Laurie Higgins, lead researcher for the Illinois Family Institute, continues to show fence-sitting Illinois lawmakers the true heart of the state's "protect marriage" movement: "I don’t see the relevance of your friendship with a homosexual couple to...

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Video: CBN's egocentric, self-victimizing take on San Antonio's anti-discrimination law

Conservative Christians vow to "rise up" and "push back" against an ordinance designed to curb the decades of aggression that others have shown toward LGBT citizens. No canard is left unsaid: It's adorable, this idea that the Christian church, in...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM’s Roback Morse says ‘same-sex attraction’ is ‘sexual revolution’ phase that prob. won’t work out

NOM’s Roback Morse: ‘Same-sex attraction’ is ‘sexual revolution’ phase that prob. won’t work out [NOM EXPOSED]

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NOM continues to decry gay 'lifestyles'

Earlier this week, I showed you how the National Organization For Marriage has been straying from its usual patterns of behavior and language, now admitting that its fight is actually against acceptance of "the homosexual lifestyle." In a new post...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM’s ‘anti-defamation’ spokesman claims gays have ‘evil agenda’ painted by Satan

NOM’s ‘anti-defamation’ spokesman: Gays have ‘evil agenda’ painted by Satan [NOM EXPOSED]

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GLAAD: NBC News holds Scott Lively accountable

NBC News holds Scott Lively accountable [GLAAD]

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MN For Marriage doesn't realize they lost (twice)

Minnesota for Marriage failed to place a marriage ban into their state constitution, and then the same organization failed again to stop a pro-equality bill from making its way to the governor's desk. The equality movement won, and marriage equality...

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IL: Individualized faith vs. shared *CIVIL* policy

The Illinois Family Institute, the wholly faith-driven organization that's driving opposition to marriage equality in the Land of Lincoln, is again spending the day telling pastors (who will never have to marry same-sex couples if they choose not) that their...

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Baptist claim of the day: Acceptance of LGBT people is probably going to be society's 'final act'

It's not LGBT people who are going to kill Earth. No, no, silly—it's the people who accept LGBT people's existence who are going to extinguish us all: "Sexual sins are not the final step on this downward spiral,"… "The last...

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Fred Karger finds evidence of LDS involvement in Hawaii marriage debate

According to dogged activist Fred Karger, who just yesterday raised the question of whether or not the Mormon church is planning on engaging in the marriage equality fight in Hawaii, this call is making its way around the Aloha State's...

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12 mins and 35 secs of two men who build their careers on making gays seem like dangerous, diseased perverts

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MassResistance hopes to make its anti-HRC logo symbol of Hawaii's anti-equality movement

A few weeks back, I showed you how Massachusetts fringe group MassResistance has created logos that pointedly declare LGBT people to be unequal. Now this same far, far, far-right org. (which is one of the few state groups that the...

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GLAAD: 19 Kids & One Major Disservice To LGBT Viewers

It's not too much to ask a reality TV show to, oh, I don't know—reflect its subjects' realities! 19 Kids & One Major Disservice To LGBT Viewers [GLAAD]

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Guest Post: Author Joel Derfner on equality and its stats-skewing detractors

As a reader with my own book on the market, you all know that I love to promote my fellow LGBT authors. It's with pleasure that I tip you to the latest from Joel Derfer (author of the terrific Swish),...

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NOM is a superhero, gays are rainbow-faced villains

Check out this latest NOM graphic: I mean, are you kidding me with this mess? NOM, an organization that is "saving" America from the pesky gay menace and has had an astounding lack of success achieving even that ignoble goal,...

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NOM now using phrase 'homosexual lifestyle,' knocking companies that support it

The National Organization for Marriage, seemingly determined to admit that its agenda does (and always did) go far beyond marriage, is now using the far-right phrase "the homosexual lifestyle" and going after companies who support it: [NOM] Oh please, please,...

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Mark Regnerus to join ADF at UN event

Ranging from the eradication of poverty to the combatting of HIV/AIDS, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are an eight-part UN initiative designed to tackle global problems that most all of us can surely agree need solving. But now we have...

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Video: Antonin Scalia's son wants gays to be chaste; doesn't care what news blogs say

Paul Scalia is involved in the Catholic version of "pray away the gay"—that is no secret. As the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Courage organization, telling gays they are to live a "chaste" life seems to be...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM co-founder's reliable sleight of hand

His cause is not banning anyone because gay people can still have religious ceremonies. Thus goes the latest bout of discrimination justification from one Robert George: NOM co-founder's reliable sleight of hand [NOM EXPOSED]

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CT 'family' group watching friends move to history's right side; doesn't care for new neighborhood

The Connecticut Family Institute is claiming "betrayal" after a local state senator who is running for Congress as a Republican came out in support of marriage equality: Former state Sen. Dan Debicella, a Republican candidate for Congress in Connecticut’s 4th...

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