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MassResistance hopes to make its anti-HRC logo symbol of Hawaii's anti-equality movement
A few weeks back, I showed you how Massachusetts fringe group MassResistance has created logos that pointedly declare LGBT people to be unequal. Now this same far, far, far-right org. (which is one of the few state groups that the Southern Poverty Law Center designates as an anti-gay hate group) is pushing its branding onto the robust marriage (in/)equality debate that's playing out in Hawaii:
Hawaii governor calling special session of legislature on Oct. 28 to pass "gay marriage." [MassResistance]
Well I, for one, certainly hope so. I mean, usually I spend hours trying to show a certain state's citizens that the local "protect marriage" movement is truly a pro-discrimination front. I welcome the image of masses od pro-discrimination demonstrators showing up at the state capitol to do this job for me!!