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NOM gay-shames moderate Republican congressional candidate
Carl Demaio is running for California's 52nd congressional seat. He's running as a Republican. He's running as a Republican who also happens to be gay.
The National Organization For Marriage, in an action alert apparently sent from 1953, is coming out in support of DeMaio's conservative Republican rival, Kirk Jorgensen. I say NOM's alert is from an earlier era because rather than just tout the merits they see in Jorgensen, NOM is instead dragging out Mr. DeMaio's sexuality (which NOM apparently believes he "chooses") as if it's a 21st century liability:
In pursuit of his ambitions, DeMaio has shredded much of what we hold dear. He's a pro-gay 'marriage,' pro-abortion candidate. DeMaio is fine with abandoning the most important foundational institution of society — marriage — that is our best hope for ensuring that children enjoy the love of a mother and a father. He's fine with tens of millions of children being snuffed out in the name of "choice."
There's another thing about DeMaio's candidacy that you should know. He's an open homosexual and an avowed supporter of the gay movement. Now don't get me wrong — I'm not judging him as a person and I firmly support his right in America to live as he chooses. The reason his homosexuality is an issue in this race is because this is precisely why GOP leaders in Washington are backing him.
In DeMaio, they have a trophy candidate they can point to and say to the media, 'see, we're progressive, too. We've evolved.' And in DeMaio, they hope to have a colleague who can steer their way some of the millions that go into gay political causes.
FULL: A True Conservative Hero Needs Your Help [NOM]
"He's an open homosexual and an avowed supporter of the gay movement."?! You have to wonder why the NOM writer didn't go ahead and add a….
…for good measure.
But of course they're not judging. Heavens no! How could you ever think that?! I mean, what did you go and do, react to exactly what NOM gave you? Don't you know that's not allowed? You instead have to wait for them to tell you how to react to what they so clearly did or said. Duh!