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NOM now pushing LaBarbera's verifiable animus

by Jeremy Hooper

There was a time when the National Organization For Marriage's logo and Peter LaBarbera's unique brand of public engagement never would have met, at least not publicly. But with NOM getting more animus-driven by the day, the "protect marriage" organization and its affiliate, the Ruth Institute, now seem to have no problem touting Peter's filter-less denigrations of LGBT people:

Screen Shot 2013-09-19 At 6.12.23 Pm
[NOM's Ruth Institute]

Pride parades are akin to pornography? Hmm, then I must be doing it wrong. I march front and center in the NYC pride parade every single year, and the thing people tend to find most "vulgar" is the massive corporate branding.

Now as for Mardi Gras? That's another story. A very straight one, I might add.

But back to NOM—what the heck is this organization thinking?! I mean, I know Maggie Gallagher's nicer, on-message, "two halves of humanity" approach ultimately failed on both halves of its rhetorical arse. But coming out against LGBT people and "lifestyles"? It would be arguably better for NOM and its allies to not even show up at court the next time we argue rather than take this foot-shooting approach!

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