« October 7, 2013 ||
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|| October 9, 2013 »
GLAAD: The Values Voter Summit is bringing anti-LGBT extremism back to the fore
The Values Voter Summit is bringing anti-LGBT extremism back to the fore [GLAAD]
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'Rescuing homosexuals' with the Illinois Family Institute's favorite lobbyist
For the past several years, the Illinois Family Institute, the state group leading the charge against marriage equality in the Land of Lincoln, has used Linda Jernigan as a sort of lobbyist against the marriage bill. Linda has testified before...
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Man behind politically-motivated, discredited research supports same
Mark Regnerus' 2012 study purporting to make gay families seem subpar has been so thoroughly discredited and its political motivations so exhaustively uncovered, I no longer even feel a need to address it. In Google, as in credible scientific circles,...
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Add 'fact' to NOM's abused words list
The National Organization for Marriage continues what has been its driving agenda for the past two years: making gay parents seem innately flawed, subpar, and even damaging to their children. And to add insult to the injuries that they are...
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Video: New documentary details the gay-decimated shell that is Massachusetts
Ever since the gays have been committing themselves to legally-recognized bonds, Massachussetts has of course become an apocalyptic bunker, the kind of scary setting fit for dystopian exploration. So suggests this poorly produced video that the rabidly anti-LGBT MassResistance just...
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