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|| October 10, 2013 »
Congressman Gohmert: 'How does two men marrying help evolve a species?'; Charles Darwin: 'Ugh' (#vvs13)
Appearing on Tony Perkins' radio show in order to promote his upcoming appearance at the Values Voter Summit and to demonize that events' critics, famously anti-gay Congressman Louie Gohmert (To-the-R-of-Bachmann–TX) expressed this take on evolution and gay people's role within...
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Illinois Family Institute prez: Don't give way to the 'wicked' marriage equality proponents
David Smith, the extreme-tongued gentleman who is leading the fight to keep Illinois discriminatory, has this to say about the marriage bill soon to come up against before the state legislature: "God tells us in Proverbs that 'a righteous man...
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Smug, glib, discriminatory: Gov. Christie continues offensive disregard for civil equality
A Republican governor of a blue state continues to show arrogant disregard for civil rights and their handling: "Okay, so you put it on the ballot — you vote your way, I vote my way. And whoever gets the most...
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The Family Leader warns of pro-LGBT time when 'it will be better to die than to live'
After running down a list of nine items, from the Disney Channel's inclusion of lesbian parents to gay consumers' pushback against Barilla pasta, that show a nation heading toward more LGBT acceptance, a writer for Iowa's Family Leader organization concludes...
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Southern Baptist leader monitors Bushes' wedding RSVPs; sends his personal regrets
George and Barbara Bush recently witnessed the wedding of a lesbian couple with whom they are friendly. At least one Southern Baptist leader is now here to properly condemn the Bushes for their celebratory choices: "The news coverage of the...
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