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Ben Carson: Marriage equality advocates are 'directly attacking the relationship between God and his people'

by Jeremy Hooper

Speaking at the annual banquet of the truly extreme Illinois Family Institute, retired neurosurgeon and current anti-LGBT activist Ben Carson claimed that those of us who are seeking civil marriage equality are attacking people of faith and trying "to get rid of" everything in the Bible. Then, as practitioners of discriminatory artforms so often do, Carson claimed that it's those of us who push back against his attacks on our families and rights who are the real "haters," suggesting that our challenging of his anti-LGBT rhetoric has helped him seize onto the "Chick-fil-a effect" and secure more speaking gigs. Clip is cued:

I mean, sure, pushing back against his anti-LGBT words probably does land Carson gigs with the exceedingly hostile IFI. And the point? While these engagements might be personally profitable for Carson (as limited sales increases were for a certain fast food chain), all they really do are further connect him to the wrong side of this issue. So what if likeminded foes of basic human rights are itching to pay a hefty ticket price in order to commiserate with this pesky new wave of gay friendliness that has come to America? This limited rally cry does nothing to change reality, just like one-day chicken sales did nothing to change the 2012 elections.

So go ahead, Dr. Carson. Call us "haters," if it makes you feel better about your own public record of hostility. Keep showing up to rally with some of America's most anti-LGBT organizations. Say that families like mine are attacking God. Have a blast dong it, bro!Just don't confuse this ability to tap into socially conservative opportunism or this willingness to hitch on to the tired self-victimization tactic with somehow "sticking it" to those of us who challenge your anti-LGBT agenda.

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