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Brian Brown: Gay people marry just to hurt me; give me money

by Jeremy Hooper

On apparent break from telling Russia to ban same-sex adoptions so that children might have "normal" parents, National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown has issued yet another fundraising blast (NOM issues about three a day at this Screen Shot 2013-10-07 At 4.22.03 Pmpoint) in which he frames those of us who support marriage (i.e. the majority of Americans, our duly elected president, a majority of the U.S. Senate, etc.) as "extremists" who are in this whole thing not because we want to protect our families but because we want to punish people of conservative faith. Brian says:

"Redefining marriage isn't about hollow claims of 'equality' and 'civil rights.' It's about changing the core, foundational institution in our society — turning it into a vehicle stripped of gender which exists purely for the satisfaction of adults, and away from one intrinsically ordered toward gender complementariness and geared toward the good of children.

And right now, it's the weapon of choice being used by a small but extremely well funded group of extremists in a fight to strip away our First Amendment religious freedoms. We cannot let that happen!

NOM prez Brian Brown

The ego is astounding. As if we pro-equality voices would've paused our lives for the past decade to fight this fight simply so we could punish people who think and pray (prey?) the way Brian does. It's around the ten millionth time I've heard a prominent social conservative frame this in such a narcissistic way, but the self-centeredness still manages to shock me.

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