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Font of unfiltered animus say it's 'hatred' to track dangerous rhetoric like his
This guy...
-- On multiple occasions, called for an “Underground Railroad to deliver innocent children from same-sex households”
-- Says gay people must be criminalized and treated like drug addicts; even asks (at 2:29): "Do you put them to death, do you lock 'em up...what do you do?"
-- Directly links homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality: "We should discriminate against unnatural and aberrant sexual behavior, whether pedophilia, bestiality, or homosexuality."
-- Said that by overturning the Defense of Marriage Act and throwing marriage back to California, the Supreme Court is "doing to us what the Nazis did to the Jews"
-- Suggests Boy Scouts (who he calls the "Boy Sodomizers of America") would be better off drowned in the sea than to allow gay scouts
-- Says about LGBT activists: "We cannot accommodate, we can't compromise, we can't find middle ground. They cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be compromised with, they cannot be dialogued with—they can only be defeated!"
-- Says: "In the wake of what we've seen at Penn State, that alone out to be enough to say that, look: we are not going to put children in same-sex households—we are not going to adopt them into same-sex households. We are not going to give custody, if somebody goes into the homosexual lifestyle after siring children—bringing children into the world with an opposite-sex partner—they are not going to get custody of these children. If they have visits with those kids, they are going to be supervised visits. We cannot trust the sexual integrity and innocence and purity of those kids with those who have same-sex preferences. The risk is far, far too high.
-- In wake of Sandy Hook tragedy, suggested lack of God, prayer, and guns was to blame
-- Has dedicated several show segments to denying that HIV causes AIDS
-- Claims: "The homosexual agenda represents the single greatest modern threat to freedom of religion and conscience.”
-- Says: "The real haters are homosexuals. The real venom is coming from those that support the homosexual agenda, either homosexual activists, homosexuals, or those that support the homosexual agenda. They are the real haters. There is a heterophobic hatred, there is a Christophobic hatred that is just seething, there's a dark, venomous, demonic hatred that is in the homosexual community."
….is saying this about the venerable civil rights group the Southern Poverty Law Center:
In a related story, the pot and the kettle have officially announced their retirement, realizing that America now has a better way to claim a person or group is guilty of the very thing they're accusing of another.