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Illinois Family Institute prez: Don't give way to the 'wicked' marriage equality proponents

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2013-10-09 At 1.42.02 PmDavid Smith, the extreme-tongued gentleman who is leading the fight to keep Illinois discriminatory, has this to say about the marriage bill soon to come up against before the state legislature:

"God tells us in Proverbs that 'a righteous man who gives way before the wicked' is 'like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain.'

We must remain vigilant and must continue to speak out against these efforts to redefine God’s institution of marriage. We cannot afford to remain silent as the Left continues to attack this critical social institution."

David Smith, IFI prez

So basically, in David's world, people like me are "wicked" and people who support us are like a "muddied spring" or a "polluted fountain." That sure excludes a lot of people. The wrong side of history is going to be a sparse place, it would seem.

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