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Man who says LGBT equality is 'anti-God' defends org that says to treat gays like drug addicts

by Jeremy Hooper

For some reason, one of the most anti-LGBT people in the nation thinks he has the capital to defend the "not anti-LGBT" reputation of one of America's most anti-LGBT orgs:

The idea of labeling American Family Association – which is made up of a bunch of Christians who love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth that they can leave the lifestyle – the idea that they're a hate group just made me mad as an American."

Peter LaBarbera

Oh please, Pete. You can call the AFA "chicken soup," if that verbiage warms your cockles. I could not give less of a flying flapjack about whether or not we use the "hate group" label, per se. But I do demand that we be honest about the AFA, an organization that says homosexuality should not be legalized and gays should be treated like drug addicts:

That might not sound like "hate" to Peter LaBarbera, multi-decade practitioner of anti-LGBT culture warrin'. But it might sound that way to other Americans. Who are for truth. About homosexuality.

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