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NOM brags about elections they wholly lost, polls they wholly concocted

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage is truly off the rails of reality. In a post titled "Gay Marriage is a Vote Loser," an anonymous NOM staffer writes:

Despite the droning drumbeat of the mainstream media, nearly two-thirds – 65 percent – of Americans disapprove of redefining marriage.

During the November 2012 elections, true marriage out-polled the Romney campaign in all four states marriage was on the ballot – by double digit margins!

Gay Marriage is a Vote Loser [NOM]

The truth is that all credible polling shows marriage equality polling at either a majority percentage, or it puts the break at a near even split. Any poll showing 65% that is truly on board with the NOM agenda is completely untrustworthy, which is the precisely why this NOM writer makes no attempt to link to this supposed data.

And as for the November 2012 elections, how delusional do you have to be to cite an election year in which you lost every single race you cared about as some sort of "proof" that your cause is the winning one?! To remind you, NOM lost all four of last year's marriage campaigns, a presidential race in which it was highly engaged, and more congressional races than I could possibly count. Okay, so more people voted for discrimination than voted for the relatively weak candidate Mitt Romney. What's your point? Marriage equality still won; NOM still lost!

If fake polling and revisionist history are NOM's forward-thinking plan, then, well—they're acting exactly like NOM always has. Which is to say, they are helping us make more headway than we would've made had this truly terrible political organization never come into existence.

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