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Poll: Most Americans aren't itching to fire LGBT workers without cause

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2013-09-30 At 3.45.10 PmA new TargetPoint Consulting survey shows that 68% of registered voters, across party lines, support federal law protecting LGBT people from workplace discrimination:

Poll: Big support for anti-discrimination law [Politico]

Shouldn't shock us that Americans support this non-brainer law, considering basic nondiscrimination is something a majority of Americans have long supported. But what's really frustrating is that this data, like prior data, also indicates that most Americans (eight out of ten in this case) actually believe that a federal law like this is already on the books. The people not only want it, but they actually think it's in place!

But hey, why pass a sound law that actually helps citizens when you can instead waste time overturning affordable healthcare, proposing ridiculous laws that would put a gay ban into the U.S. Constitution, or just going ahead and shutting down government operations altogether? Priorities, ya know?

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