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The Family Leader warns of pro-LGBT time when 'it will be better to die than to live'

by Jeremy Hooper

After running down a list of nine items, from the Disney Channel's inclusion of lesbian parents to gay consumers' pushback against Barilla pasta, that show a nation heading toward more LGBT acceptance, a writer for Iowa's Family Leader organization concludes with this quote:

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First things first: If "winning" means going back to a time when LGBT people are shunned, closeted, or worse, then The Family Leader has already lost that chance. For good. We will never go back there, regardless of any temporary setbacks we might possibly face in the years to come. We have come way too far. We already won the greatest portion of this "culture war."

So that's one. But two: Is our opposition really at a point where they are telling people that our pro-LGBT future is one where death might be better than life? I mean, really?! Is that how low this whole thing has sunk?! Is this the new phase of fear-mongering now that so many of their other fears about us have fallen on deaf ears? REALLY?!

Look, we want everyone to live and let live, all of us operating with respect for each others' deserved freedoms. In our plan, there is more than enough room for everyone. Heck, there's even more than enough room for groups like the Family Leader to still condemn us, our lives, our loves, our marriages, and our families. If they don't want to accept that fact and instead choose to see a scary future in which they will fight to the death because the end of their human mortality is better than the gay-friendly hell that we call America, then that truly shocking prediction is completely on them. We neither want nor are we seeking that kind of self-destruction.

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