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Tony Perkins: Chris Christie is now a 2016 'non-starter'

by Jeremy Hooper

Because of his decision to drop his fight against the loving couples who are now marrying in his state, viciously anti-gay conservative leader Tony Perkins has declared New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to be off the table of consideration for the GOP's 2016 presidential nomination:

[SOURCE: Washington Watch w/ Tony Perkins; 10/21/13]

Let's be clear about something: Gov. Christie has not wavered in his opposition to marriage equality. He's still against it. Determinedly so, in fact. Remember, this is the man who, just last week, said he would tell his own theoretical gay kid that he or she could not marry. So no, he's still not our ally on this.

But this is how narrow Tony Perkins' tent really is. You can't even be opposed to marriage equality yet respectful of the court process. To pass Tony's test, you have to practically shout down a same-sex wedding whenever you learn of one happening within a twenty-mile radius if you want to prove your commitment.

Tony's vision may remain a good way for him to fundraise. But for the GOP, it's a great way to keep losing elections.

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