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Video: Latest PR campaign in religious right's push to sell discrimination as 'religious freedom'

by Jeremy Hooper

The Odgaards wanted to offer marriage services to everyone but gays, flouting state nondiscrimination law. Here is a fluff video, produced but the Becket Fund, addressing everything but that reality:

Notice they keep using the words "religious ceremony," both in this video and the court documents they just filed, to refer to the gay couple's plans. But don't buy the spin. The fact of the matter is that the Odgaards have been operating a public venue that they offered up to all kinds of heterosexual couples regardless of that couple's personal faith or choices (e.g. divorce and remarriage, interfaith unions, marriages with premarital children, etc.) that might conflict with the Odgaard's own views. And in fact, I can't find any evidence that the gay couple in question was seeking a religious ceremony, per se.

This is just the latest attempt to pretend that identifying as religious gives you a pass to discriminate against certain kinds of consumers on the basis of their sexual orientations. It doesn't and it never will. And it shouldn't.


**Oh, and I'd still like to know why Mr. Odgaard compared our president to a guy with a big bull ring in his nose.

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