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|| November 6, 2013 »
BREAKING: Illinois passes marriage equality! We're up to 15 states (plus D.C.)!!
By a vote of 61–54, the Illinois House just passed the marriage equality bill. The bill will immediately go back to the Senate, where it has already passed, and then it will go to the desk of supportive Gov. Pat...
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NOM EXPOSED: NOM claims marriage equality ‘tears our society apart’
NOM claims marriage equality ‘tears our society apart’ [NOM EXPOSED]
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Peter Sprigg flat-out lies; claims FRC never supported Ugandan law that it *TOTALLY* did support
On yesterday's edition of "Washington Watch Weekly," in response to an FRC supporter who quite literally said that gay people should be put to death, fill-in host Peter Sprigg made this comment about FRC's supposed lack of support for the...
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FRC radio caller: 'Dead people don't marry'...'sodomites are to be put to death'
Yesterday afternoon, Steve from Kansas called into Tony Perkins' daily radio show. This is what he said about us: SOURCE: Washington Watch Weekly, 11/4/13 (comments come around 38:45) Long-time listener; first time backer of genocide.
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Tweets from a failing, inevitably losing movement
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Anti-gay org. seizes chance to marry anti-gay author with anti-gay policy
Check out Focus on the Family's latest headline for a piece condemning the Employment NonDiscrimination Act [SOURCE: Focus on the Family Citizenlink] Of course "ENDA's Game" is a play off Ender's Game, the book and now movie that sprung from...
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Hawaii anti-gay group: We must stop the happiness of 'American Idol' contestant Jim Verraros
Here is a photograph from the 2009 wedding of season one American Idol contestant Jim Verraros and his husband Bill Brennan. Fausto Fernós of the Feast of Fun blog and podcast took the shot: SOURCE: Photos from Jim Verraros and...
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