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|| November 19, 2013 »
Elections weren't only thing NOM lost in 2012; money—I mean they also lost money
The big headline: The National Organization For Marriage closed out 2012 in the red, with NOM's c4 arm (that's the big boy NOM) losing close to three million dollars in a year when it also lost a crap ton of...
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Bryan Fischer's fill-in host: 'Next they're going to say...what about if I like my dog? What about if I like children?'
When one fills in for Bryan Fischer, one of the single most anti-LGBT commentators with an actual platform, one must retain that certain je ne sais quoi that makes Mr. Fischer such a special snowflake. Gina Loudon proved herself up...
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CA's anti-trans coalition brags about (tax-exempt) megachurch's ability to shape public policy
This from the latest e-blast of Privacy for All Students, the anti-LGBT coalition that's trying to repeal a law protecting transgender students: We are still amazed that one church alone, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, spread out so far that they...
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Org. that's been complaining about IRS for past 1.5 years blatantly flouts IRS rules
From the Human Rights Campaign: Washington – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has repeatedly refused to make its 2012 990s publicly available following their November 15 deadline – a direct violation of federal law. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC)...
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Supporter of discriminatory shutterbug buys Elane Photography url, fills it with nastiest hate speech imaginable
Elane Photography is that New Mexico small business that's trying to "prove" it has a "right" to flout state nondiscrimination policy and discriminate against potential clients on the basis of sexual orientation. And while that case itself is sort of...
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Attendee at Peter LaBarbera's fundraiser: 'I'm a very proud bigot and I'm here!'
The Windy City Times brings this piece of color from outside Peter LaBarbera's weekend banquet: In one heated moment, a man walking into the building approached the [pro-LGBT demonstrators]. "Bigots go home!" the crowd yelled. "I'm a very proud bigot...
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'Courage' means telling your niece, nephew that their parents are less than equal?
Sandy Rios, professional purveyor of anti-LGBT myths and discrimination, is thrilled with Liz Cheney for telling her sister that her family is not as worthy as others. Liz is a real profile in courage, claims Rios: [Sandy Rios] Be sure...
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Video: Sen. Rubio keynotes for rabidly anti-LGBT org; org. advocates 'leaving the gay lifestyle'
The Florida Family Policy Council, headed up by the aggressively anti-LGBT John Stemberger (the man who fought inclusive Boy Scouts on the national level and launched the new discriminatory Boy Scouts alternative), is the group behind every last anti-LGBT policy...
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Maggie Gallagher's former website gives poetic taste of future
During the 2012 election season, Maggie Gallagher launched something called Culture War Victory Fund, designed to fund causes like her fight against marriage equality. Now that same site, hosted on that same domain name is selling title loans: [Culture War...
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