« November 21, 2013 ||
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|| November 25, 2013 »
How CA's anti-trans coalition will spin it, should they lose (*and they should)
With the referendum signatures just beginning to be counted, California's so-called "Prviacy For All Students" coalition is already teasing out the idea that some shenanigans might be threatening their potential. This comes from their latest email blast: In the week...
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What is 'CanaVox'?
Doug Mainwaring, the professional "ex-gay" who has testified against several state marriage bills, written numerous commentaries denouncing equal marriage rights for same-sex couples, filed an amicus brief in support of Prop 8, and has signed up as a poster boy...
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FRC: It's anti-gay conservatives who need ENDA
After claiming that the scrutiny coming down on Mike Rosebush, an Air Force Academy counselor who pushes the dangerous and scientifically discredited practice of "curing" gay people, is an example of why LGBT cannot have federal employment protections, the Family...
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Four score and seven years ago, [we vowed to 'drive a wedge between gays and blacks']
When one thinks of modern-day groups that might fittingly parallel the life and cause of President Abraham Lincoln, does a pro-discrimination organization that vowed to "drive a wedge between gays and blacks" jump to your mind? Well, according to the...
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Video: Basically, the exceedingly anti-gay Focus on the Family is like a modern-day Mayflower
They are the Pilgrims, insist staffers at an organization that spends a large bulk of its time fighting LGBT people's basic rights and well-being: Well, they do seem to want to take full ownership of this land for themselves. So...
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