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Anti-LGBT Californians claim they got enough anti-trans sigs; also claim to be 'protecting children,' so we'll see

by Jeremy Hooper

The anti-LGBT coalition trying to overturn California's recently signed law that provides basic safeguards for transgender students claims it has successfully obtained enough signatures to send the matter to the 2014 ballot:

Conservative Coalition: Repeal of California Transgender Student Rights Law Will Qualify for Ballot [Towle]

I know the coalition, which is ignobly headed by the National Organization For Marriage's Frank Schubert, had said it wanted to collect 750,000 in order to have a buffer between failure and the 505,000 valid signatures that are required. In actuality, they say they obtained 620,000, which gives them much less wiggle room.

So will these grown adults ultimately succeed at using their church networks to potentially deny basic protections for some of the most vulnerable children in the country? We'll have to wait for the petitions to actually be counted to see if enough Californians did, in fact, buy into their version of God's work and will.

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