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CA's anti-trans coalition brags about (tax-exempt) megachurch's ability to shape public policy

by Jeremy Hooper

This from the latest e-blast of Privacy for All Students, the anti-LGBT coalition that's trying to repeal a law protecting transgender students:

We are still amazed that one church alone, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, spread out so far that they were ultimately responsible for collecting 46,000 signatures. The pastor and his wife walked their neighborhood and collected signatures at Target.
Referendum Recap [PFAS]

Yup, I find that astounding as well. Though probably for different reasons.

No word on how many of California's transgender students spent even a part of their days trying to lessen protections or otherwise encumber the lives of Calvary Chapel congregants. But I expect the number is identical to the number of people who Jesus claimed were without sin and therefore should cast no stones (or referenda, as it were).

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