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FRC: It's anti-gay conservatives who need ENDA

by Jeremy Hooper

After claiming that the scrutiny coming down on Mike Rosebush, an Air Force Academy counselor who pushes the dangerous and scientifically discredited practice of "curing" gay people, is an example of why LGBT cannot have federal employment protections, the Family Research Council (in words loosely attributable to president Tony Perkins) proceeds to claim the following:

Obviously, if anyone needs an ENDA, it's conservatives -- not those who, for the last five years, have had their way under President Obama.

Obvious, that is, for anyone who lives in the world that the anti-LGBT social conservatives are trying to craft via press releases in which they drum up fake or carefully spun situations to force a new narrative about "victimhood." For the rest of us living here in an America where conservative Christians (a) receive every kind of protection, right, and blessing imaginable, while (b) spending day after day attacking LGBT people's rights for both political gain and personal profit, the idea that they are the ones suffering under the cruel thumb of oppression is as laughable as it is enraging.

Refusing to accept your desire to discriminate is not unreasonable persecution. Stop interfering with millions of decent, hardworking, loving, taxpaying Americans lives, and you will be shocked, FRC, to see how quickly (and eagerly) LGBT people ignore your every move.

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