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Gay activists are 'biggest bigots on the block' says man who wants us banned like trans fats, drugs

by Jeremy Hooper

After defending yet another business that wanted to flout state nondiscrimination law and deny a lesbian couple of their wedding services precisely because the couple was made up of two women, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer claims that we LGBT activists are the biggest bigots and bullies on the block. Clip is basically cued to the right spot:

Coming from the man who has pretty much mapped out a plan for eliminating LGBT people from every facet of existence. The real reason Bryan is mad at us is because we refuse to sit without squirming while he publicly flogs us. He's pissed because we won't hand over the keys to Earth and let him drive our freedoms into the ground.

And I love the part at the beginning of my cue spot where he's all like, "there are all kinds of reasons why you can't get a venue," basically equating what happened to this couple with what happens to couples whose chosen venues are booked up on their chosen date. The difference, of course, is that this couple was pointedly and precisely turned away because of who they are. Had the business owners been quicker on their feet and thought up an excuse other than "nope, sorry lesbians!" then they might have gotten away with it. But they didn't. So they didn't. And they won't. Because they shouldn't.


*Oh, and my headline isn't hyperbole. Bryan has literally said he wants us treated like trans fats and drugs:

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