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GLAAD: Dennis Prager blames the gay sister for Cheney argument
Dennis Prager blames the gay sister for Cheney argument [GLAAD]
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Nothing-if-not-desperate NOM now pushing anti-Obamacare spin
With so much misfortune now indelibly attached to its always misleading name, the National Organization For Marriage has basically turned into just another conservative organization out to attack anything this President (a marriage equality supporter; yay!) tries to accomplish. Their...
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Video: Having lost marriage battle forever, IL Family Institute back to 'changing' gay people
I've always said that the Illinois Family Institute is one of the most extreme state groups anywhere, largely because its leaders are quite open about their goal of personally eradicating homosexuality. And now that they've lost their marriage fight and...
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NOM EXPOSED: WaPo’s ‘Right Turn’ on NOM’s increasing lack of turns
WaPo’s ‘Right Turn’ on NOM’s increasing lack of turns [NOM EXPOSED]
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Judge gives lesbian couple early chance to show meaning of life, marriage, family, commitment
In sickness and in health: The U.S. District Court in Chicago ordered Cook County's clerk Monday to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple, one of whom is terminally ill. Judge Orders Expedited Marriage For Gay Couple [NBC Chicago]...
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Audio: Pastor Meeks tells IL congregants how to vote; doesn't say when he'll turn over his church's tax exemption
Pastor James Meeks was one of the leaders of the African American Clery Association, which was unsuccessful in stopping civil marriage equality in Illinois. Now out of options, Pastor Meeks has turned to anti-gay pastors' second favorite pastime: violating lines...
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I agree with Matt Barber...
...counterfeit "marriage" of any kind is surely a bad idea But real marriage, free from unnecessary labels or smear quotes, is normal, biologically sound, in line with both history and the future, morally positive (or at least morally neutral), and...
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MassResistance advises its un-advisable movement
Realizing that their side is losing and losing hard, extreme-tongued organization MassResistance is advising its movement on ways it might "win" on marriage. Here's a snip: We need to craft a solid top-to-bottom strategy that will effectively counter the homosexual...
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How CA's anti-trans coalition will spin it, should they lose (*and they should)
With the referendum signatures just beginning to be counted, California's so-called "Prviacy For All Students" coalition is already teasing out the idea that some shenanigans might be threatening their potential. This comes from their latest email blast: In the week...
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What is 'CanaVox'?
Doug Mainwaring, the professional "ex-gay" who has testified against several state marriage bills, written numerous commentaries denouncing equal marriage rights for same-sex couples, filed an amicus brief in support of Prop 8, and has signed up as a poster boy...
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FRC: It's anti-gay conservatives who need ENDA
After claiming that the scrutiny coming down on Mike Rosebush, an Air Force Academy counselor who pushes the dangerous and scientifically discredited practice of "curing" gay people, is an example of why LGBT cannot have federal employment protections, the Family...
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Four score and seven years ago, [we vowed to 'drive a wedge between gays and blacks']
When one thinks of modern-day groups that might fittingly parallel the life and cause of President Abraham Lincoln, does a pro-discrimination organization that vowed to "drive a wedge between gays and blacks" jump to your mind? Well, according to the...
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Video: Basically, the exceedingly anti-gay Focus on the Family is like a modern-day Mayflower
They are the Pilgrims, insist staffers at an organization that spends a large bulk of its time fighting LGBT people's basic rights and well-being: Well, they do seem to want to take full ownership of this land for themselves. So...
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Indiana GOP gearing up to stain state's history, lose future elections
While open to possibly taking out language that also bans civil unions, Republicans in the Indiana legislature are vowing to further connect their party to the wrong side of the marriage issue: Despite calls from Democrat legislative leaders to shelve...
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GLAAD: Air Force Academy recruits 'ex-gay' counselor; totally prepared for any wars necessitating snake oil
Air Force Academy recruits 'ex-gay' counselor; totally prepared for any wars necessitating snake oil [GLAAD]
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GLAAD: When research is really 'research': A look at the Michigan Four
When research is really 'research': A look at the Michigan Four [GLAAD]
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NOM EXPOSED: NOM thinks it’s NOM’s game move; doesn’t realize our progress has changed the rules
NOM thinks it’s NOM’s game move; doesn’t realize our progress has changed the rules [NOM EXPOSED]
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FRC 'prayer targets': Another week, another attempt to frame LGBT well-being, equality as 'evil'
After running down an obsessive list in which their beef with four of the six states is something having to do with LGBT people, our rights, and our basic well-being, the Family Research Council is taking yet another opportunity to...
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Springfield Bishop totally not demonizing gays; now here, let him tell you all the ways the devil's involved in our marriages
I already told you about the "exorcism" that Springfield, IL, Bishop Thomas Paprocki held today at the same time that Governor Pat Quinn was signing marriage equality into law in the Land of Lincoln. Here now, a snip from his...
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Photo: LaBarbera, party of one
Play either of these, depending on your vibe: Then stare at this: Professional anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera protesting Illinois marriage bill signing (*photo via Waymon Hudson)
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Video: SE Cupp, Van Jones aren't having any of Ralph Reed's (Falwell era) spin
(h/t: Joe)
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Today: International Transgender Day of Remembrance
As we push forward for fair protections, we pause for respectful consideration and remembrance. Click link for an event near you: [International Transgender Day of Remembrance]
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Today in Illinois: Civil progress vs. prayerful removal of gay people's demons
Just a reminder that two key events will happen today in Illinois. At one event, Democratic Governor Pat Quinn will sign marriage equality into law: Illinois governor expected to sign gay marriage into law [Reuters] At the other event, Springfield...
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Supporting pro-equality companies is like treason. Sweet, sweet, caffeinated treason
I'm about to run out and get a Grande NonFat Treason-to-God Latte... Barton: Drinking Starbucks Is Like Committing Treason Against God [RightWingWatch] ...can I get anyone else anything? I would stop by Chick-Fil-A too, but God's SUV is practically parked...
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Video: PA Attorney General Kane makes impassioned case for equality; compares marriage inequality to being arrested, jailed
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane captured national headlines when she announced she, using her discretion, had determined that the state version of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act is just as unconstitutional as its federal counterpart and therefore will not...
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Congrats, Liz Cheney, on standing against 'the forces of evil' (i.e. your sis, sis-in-law, niece, nephew)
Liz Cheney has a big fan in career antigay activist Peter LaBarbera, who applauds the U.S. Senate candidate for resisting "the forces of evil": "The Portman phenomenon of going pro-gay because you have a son who is homosexual, or you...
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NOM EXPOSED: A NOM vendor breaks ranks (*but you’ll never hear about it)
A NOM vendor breaks ranks (*but you’ll never hear about it) [NOM EXPOSED]
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Is Maggie being both snarky and on point about Cheney spat? I'm so proud.
The thing that strikes me about Maggie Gallagher's take on the Cheney family spat isn't anything offensive. In fact, it actually seems like she's pointing out the ridiculousness of the elder Cheneys' joint statement on the matter. She writes: "Dick...
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Next time Todd Starnes goes on Fox News and denies the AFA is an animus-driven group...
...consider the following. Twice in the past twelve hours, the American Family Association's Sr. Issues Analyst, Bryan Fischer, has taken to his Twitter feed for the purpose of equating LGBT people with those who sexually abuse children. In the first,...
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Elections weren't only thing NOM lost in 2012; money—I mean they also lost money
The big headline: The National Organization For Marriage closed out 2012 in the red, with NOM's c4 arm (that's the big boy NOM) losing close to three million dollars in a year when it also lost a crap ton of...
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Bryan Fischer's fill-in host: 'Next they're going to say...what about if I like my dog? What about if I like children?'
When one fills in for Bryan Fischer, one of the single most anti-LGBT commentators with an actual platform, one must retain that certain je ne sais quoi that makes Mr. Fischer such a special snowflake. Gina Loudon proved herself up...
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CA's anti-trans coalition brags about (tax-exempt) megachurch's ability to shape public policy
This from the latest e-blast of Privacy for All Students, the anti-LGBT coalition that's trying to repeal a law protecting transgender students: We are still amazed that one church alone, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, spread out so far that they...
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Org. that's been complaining about IRS for past 1.5 years blatantly flouts IRS rules
From the Human Rights Campaign: Washington – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has repeatedly refused to make its 2012 990s publicly available following their November 15 deadline – a direct violation of federal law. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC)...
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Supporter of discriminatory shutterbug buys Elane Photography url, fills it with nastiest hate speech imaginable
Elane Photography is that New Mexico small business that's trying to "prove" it has a "right" to flout state nondiscrimination policy and discriminate against potential clients on the basis of sexual orientation. And while that case itself is sort of...
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Attendee at Peter LaBarbera's fundraiser: 'I'm a very proud bigot and I'm here!'
The Windy City Times brings this piece of color from outside Peter LaBarbera's weekend banquet: In one heated moment, a man walking into the building approached the [pro-LGBT demonstrators]. "Bigots go home!" the crowd yelled. "I'm a very proud bigot...
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'Courage' means telling your niece, nephew that their parents are less than equal?
Sandy Rios, professional purveyor of anti-LGBT myths and discrimination, is thrilled with Liz Cheney for telling her sister that her family is not as worthy as others. Liz is a real profile in courage, claims Rios: [Sandy Rios] Be sure...
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Video: Sen. Rubio keynotes for rabidly anti-LGBT org; org. advocates 'leaving the gay lifestyle'
The Florida Family Policy Council, headed up by the aggressively anti-LGBT John Stemberger (the man who fought inclusive Boy Scouts on the national level and launched the new discriminatory Boy Scouts alternative), is the group behind every last anti-LGBT policy...
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Maggie Gallagher's former website gives poetic taste of future
During the 2012 election season, Maggie Gallagher launched something called Culture War Victory Fund, designed to fund causes like her fight against marriage equality. Now that same site, hosted on that same domain name is selling title loans: [Culture War...
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Why is CA's anti-trans coalition so afraid of conversation?
For whatever reason, I was let back into the Facebook page of the so-called Privacy For All Students coalition, one day after being deleted-and-banned for challenging their views against transgender student protections (and getting them to reveal what their campaign...
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NOM's most condescending post ever?
People like me, who are married to someone of the same gender and raising (awesome, loved, cared-for-in-every-way) kids are lacking "common sense." That is the thesis of the National Organization For Marriage's latest. A snip: (*words attributed to president Brian...
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Speaker Boehner hosts 'Solutions to Homosexual Behavior' group on Capitol Hill
Speaker Boehner has reportedly offered up office space to the World Congress of Families, the rabidly anti-LGBT outfit that, among other things, has been stirring up animus in Russia: Speaker Boehner Brings Hate-Peddlers to Capitol Hill [HRC] Reminder about WCF:...
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Springfield Bishop to perform 'exorcism' on Illinois marriage equality
They lost the vote, but it doesn't mean they lost the right to part away the satanic demons they see attached to our civil marriage rights: Scheduled for approximately the same time that Gov. Pat Quinn signs into Illinois law...
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NOM's fitting new image: A pretend version of marriage
After months of using a background image that pretended that the decision of whether or not California gets to keep marriage equality is up in there air (hint: it's not), NOM has finally changed its Facebook cover photo. This is...
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'Privacy For All Students' goes another round with me; 'we don't want Sacramento legislating tolerance of damaging lifestyles'
In response to my piece for GLAAD pointing out that the Privacy For All Students coalition has put forth no path for protecting the transgender students they would leave vulnerable, should their repeal effort go forward, this anti-trans coalition offered...
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GLAAD: California anti-trans coalition has no plan for transgender protection
California anti-trans coalition has no plan for transgender protection [GLAAD]
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Comedian Jackie Mason: 'Yenta' Hillary Clinton is 'empty-headed person who accomplished nothing all her life', should be in jail
And now from the world of entertainment, here's onetime Caddyshack II star Jackie Mason on FLOTUS/Senator/Secretary/presidential candidate Hillary Clinton: “Because the truth of the matter is she’s accomplished nothing in her life and she’s an invention of the press. The...
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FRC priorities: Pray for marriage inequality, discriminatory photographers, and, oh yeah—the typhoon victims too
After running down all kinds of political prayers, including one about ENDA.... ...this is how the viciously anti-LGBT Family Research Council closes out this week's "prayer targets": [FRC Prayer Targets] One of these things is not like the other.
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Congrats, Rep. Jo Jordan—you can add Tony 'homosexuality leads to eternal damnation' Perkins to your fan list
Openly gay Hawaii lawmaker Jo Jordan is just racking up fans. Tony Perkins, a man who has said some of the nastiest things imaginable about LGBT people and our rights, is the latest to praise the Rep. for being the...
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Video: Two grown men have totally rational conversion about Satan 'literally' swallowing gay people
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POLL: Even Mainers who might want to embolden anti-equality fear lines can't do it
Zack Ford reports on a new PPP poll showing that marriage equality has brought no ill effects to Maine: What’s most notable is how little impact a year of marriage equality has had on its detractors. Only 13 percent feel...
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