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Indiana GOP gearing up to stain state's history, lose future elections
While open to possibly taking out language that also bans civil unions, Republicans in the Indiana legislature are vowing to further connect their party to the wrong side of the marriage issue:
Despite calls from Democrat legislative leaders to shelve the divisive constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, top Republicans said Tuesday the legislature should work its will on the proposal — and possibly tweak it.
KEEP READING: GOP ponders tweak in same-sex marriage ban [Indy Star]
Passing a marriage ban was always wrong, even back when doing so was about as easy as passing a resolution declaring pizza to be tasty. But now, after sixteen states, historic Supreme Court rulings, consistent (and always rising) majoring approval in all credible polling, a president who was re-elected on a pro-equality ticket, same-sex marriages on TV's top sitcoms, and a tide of history that is so inevitably on the side of full marriage equality, it is downright dangerous for the GOP to take this on.
Yes, this is true even in red states where such an amendment might have a fighting chance at passage. In every state, there is an enthusiastic crowd of equality supporters looking to push back against those who take away human rights. Ability to achieve a bare majority doesn't absolve you from the considerable backlash that will come with fostering such cruel divisiveness. And it will come.