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Nothing-if-not-desperate NOM now pushing anti-Obamacare spin
With so much misfortune now indelibly attached to its always misleading name, the National Organization For Marriage has basically turned into just another conservative organization out to attack anything this President (a marriage equality supporter; yay!) tries to accomplish. Their latest throw-at-the-wall-and-see-if-it-sticks tactic finds the pro-discrimination special interest group jumping on the anti-Obamacare bandwagon:
The claims come form the Heritage Foundation, so you can judge their veracity accordingly. But regardless of their truth (or "truthiness"), it's pretty funny to find this once-focused organization taking a mess of chaotic stabs at anything or anyone whose denunciation NOM handlers think might bring some allies their way. From the IRS to ENDA to trans rights to Obamacare, NOM is now taking a scattered shotgun approach to this whole marriage fight, apparently believing that someone within this bigger tent might have the answers that they themselves have been incapable of finding.
NOM, an organization that has always excelled in the hubris department, likely thinks this new approach makes the organization seem like bigger, faster, stronger D.C. power players. Wrong! It just makes them look messy, searching, and partisan.