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Supporter of discriminatory shutterbug buys Elane Photography url, fills it with nastiest hate speech imaginable

by Jeremy Hooper

Elane Photography is that New Mexico small business that's trying to "prove" it has a "right" to flout state nondiscrimination policy and discriminate against potential clients on the basis of sexual orientation. And while that case itself is sort of high profile (especially since the New Mexico Supreme Court dealt a striking blow to their false "victim" narrative), it's been really hard to find any web presence for that company in the years since the martyr machine on the far-right lifted that situation onto the national stage.

To fill this void, an enterprising supporter of the business' right to discriminate went rogue and created his own site on the ElanePhotography.us domain. Check out what his support looks like:

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Oh, and this too:

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Probably not exactly what Elane Photography's legal team would like to see. But hey, when you put a situation out there and work overtime trying to make a certain group of Americans seem like mean, unreasonable, ego-driven, unfair bullies, you don't get to dictate how your supporters respond to your deliberate stirring of the hornet's nest. Sometimes supporters respond with good natured debate that sticks to the matter at hand; sometimes it's with repeated usage of the words "queer" and "f*ggot."

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