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Video: Having lost marriage battle forever, IL Family Institute back to 'changing' gay people

by Jeremy Hooper

I've always said that the Illinois Family Institute is one of the most extreme state groups anywhere, largely because its leaders are quite open about their goal of personally eradicating homosexuality. And now that they've lost their marriage fight and equality is forever a part of the Land of Lincoln (yippee!), they are back to doing just that.

Yet again, we get a person with all kinds of family strife and hardship tales, which he conflates with his now-stifled sexual orientation:

The "ex-gay" movement doesn't seem to realize that it would be more convincing if it found a "former homosexual" who is all like, "My childhood was great, I've never so much as had a glass of wine, I wasn't abused, I'm not even all that religious—I just stopped liking same-sex genitalia." But that will never happen.

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