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« November 26, 2013 || Return to today's G-A-Y posts || December 3, 2013 »


NOM now comparing same-sex marriages to oblong tomatoes, mythical lake monsters

While many of us were gearing up to spend time with families that proudly embrace their LGBT relatives, the National Organization For Marriage spent Thanksgiving week working to convince America that gay cousin Charlie and his new husband Marc are...

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Video: Rabidly anti-LGBT Alliance Defending Freedom hopes to convince donors it is right, effective, winning — 2013 edition

It's year-end time, which means groups must put together highlight reels that insist the past year of donor-funded work was all worth it. Here is the 2013 ask of the ADF, the org that heads up most every legal challenge...

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Video: Obviously bright young man backs obviously right view of marriage

His home state of Oregon has yet to obtain equal marriage rights. If brave, awesome, and wise Duncan McAlpine Sennett has his way, that will soon change. When called to the Torah, young man Duncan makes the call for full...

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He who makes $200k+ annual salary discriminating against certain Americans calls equality movement 'anti-American,' 'bullies'

Some of us have made well over a million dollars fighting against the civil rights of certain kinds of American taxpayers, as we work amid a movement filled with incendiary voices who are out to tell our fellow citizens that...

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Olympic diver Tom Daley is 'dating a guy,' 'couldn't be happier'

He's taking the plunge in a really direct and classy way: Fichier sélectionné dans Sport

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Courts of law, politic, public opinion vs. Court of LaBarbera

Professional foe of the 'mos Peter LaBarbera will never, ever, ever, ever, ever accept a same-sex couple's ciivl marriage: "Even if the numbers do increase, for Christians, the reality is this is not marriage," says Pater LaBarbera of Americans for...

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Today in anti-equality headlines that help our cause far more than theirs

You can almost hear the monologue that was going on in Jennifer Thieme's head when she, the finance director of the Ruth Institute (a former affiliate that abruptly ended its partnership with the National Organization For Marriage just last month)...

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