« December 22, 2013 ||
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|| December 24, 2013 »
Scott Lively: Those gays are all my enemies, even if they vote (R)
Having successfully helped shape the policy of Uganda, a man known for stirring up worldwide animus against minority populations continues with his domestic agenda: We must remember that the “gay” movement is a single, united cult of cultural Marxists, following...
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NOM president is 'anxious' (*about losing his six figure salary built around discrimination)
Every year around this time, the National Organization For Marriage strikes the fear of God in its donors, telling them that their failure to give MORE, MORE, MORE might make or break the following year. This year, Brian Brown is...
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Or put another way, Star Parker: If going near a menstruating woman is okay, why isn't homosexuality?
Anti-gay commentator Star Parker: It happens that the prohibition on bestiality appears in the Book of Leviticus in the verse directly following the verse prohibiting homosexual behavior. Understanding [Phil] Robertson is not hard. He is a Christian man who accepts...
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Liberty Counsel looks back at '13: We were downright obsessed with gay people
This is the copy that the Liberty Counsel is using in its year-end, please-give-us-money message: During this year, we filed federal lawsuits challenging laws in California and New Jersey that prevent minors from receiving Christian counseling to overcome unwanted same-sex...
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Phil Robertson: Jesus will cure gays, adulterers, liars
Free speech: "Jesus will take sins away, if you’re a homosexual he’ll take it away, if you’re an adulterer, if you’re a liar, what’s the difference?" —Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson, speaking to his bible group He has every right...
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NOM Chair elaborates on NOM's plans for a constitutional convention
Earlier this year, I revealed that the National Organization For Marriage has purchased a cache of domain names referring to a "marriage convention" (or "marriage con con"). On Catholic radio last week, NOM Chairman John Eastman elaborated on NOM's plans:...
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