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CA's anti-trans coalition pre-spins its potential loss

by Jeremy Hooper

With it looking ever likely that the anti-trans movement's attempt to repeal a California law that protects transgender students will ultimately fall short of the percentage of valid petition signatures it needs to move forward with a ballot initiative, this so-called "Privacy For all Students" coalition is laying more groundwork for how it will spin its post-loss messaging. In its latest email blast to supporters, PFAS is once again impugning the process that the state of California uses to count petition sigs:

With many counties still to report, the Secretary of State is currently claiming a validity rate of 78.51%. That means that slightly more than 1 out of 5 of the signatures submitted are not being counted. Some of this is proper. Unfortunately some individuals that signed the petition are not registered to vote or have moved without changing their registration. But some of the signatures are being excluded for other, more questionable reasons.
FULL: Margin of Error [PFAS]

The fact is, PFAS has long known the procedure that California uses to count these signatures. These same folks have involved themselves in several other ballot efforts (Frank Schubert, the Prop 8 mastermind, is heading this current effort; Karen England, who tried to repeal the state law that includes LGBT achievements in school curriculum, is one of its leaders; etc.), and they are well aware of how it works. No "shocking" revelation has come out to support the idea that the current count is unfair or being improperly handled. And let me say that if such information were to come out, I would speak out against it, as I do put fair government practice above even my own movement.

The truth, plain and simple, is that this coalition is scared. They've put a lot of time, money, energy, and movement capital into this anti-trans campaign, and they know that yet another loss in this, a really losing year for their side, will do a lot of damage to their continued game plan. This is why they are laying the ground work for yet another victimization campaign, once again pretending that they, the folks who are spending their days trying to discriminate against some of society's most vulnerable, are the ones who are living under constant threat. It's pretty much the only messaging the anti-LGBT movement uses these days, since nothing can ever be their fault. They have to pretend that any and every loss is the product of unfair practice rather than their own unfortunate cause, inept handling, or unconstitutional wishes. The folks who so stagnantly remain at the heads of the anti-LGBT movement know that this "we're the victim" fakery is the only way to convince supporters to keep placing their bets on their well-compensated leadership, even as their losses mount.

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